Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Salt Lake City/Park City UT


We got started out of Wal Mart ok.  That was where the easy part ended.  We figured we had to backtrack to Rt. 191 to head for Park City.   We were wrong.  We just plain got lost.  But Joe found his way.  He just seems to understand direction and can find his way.  We figured it out and got on the right track and made our way to Salt Lake City/Park City UT.

The drive wasn't too bad.  There were a lot of steep hills and some U curves but we fared very well. 

We stopped at Flaming Gorge Dam and took some pictures.  The rocks were red which gave it its name.

We stopped along the way and took pictures plus I took pictures through the windshield. 

We were looking for a place to eat when we found a place called Silver Summit restaurant.  We followed the signs and went the right direction but came to a dead end.  We did not find the restaurant.  There was a business at the end of the road so I went in to ask about the restaurant.  It was located at the 7 Eleven that we passed. 

We unhooked the jeep and turned the motor home around and parked it at the end of the road and took the jeep back to the restaurant.  Had a great meal and then the manager said we could park our motor home right there at the 7 Eleven.  We are in a dirt area away from regular parking.  They said we could stay for a couple of days.  they were very nice.

Troy found us and visited us for a while.  We waited until Jessica got out of work and we started to their home.  The house is situated on a hill so you walk in on the ground level to the kitchen and a den.  It had an open look and you can see down to the next level into the living/great room.  It has a great fireplace.  There are big windows looking out to the back yard.  There is also a deck that you can access from the kitchen or the next level down or even the next level down.  The third level to the bottom is where the bedroom is situated.  From there you can also walk out to a deck.  They even have a hot tub.  I really like the house.

We had dinner with them and then miraculously found our way back to the motor home without a hitch.  I tell you, Joe is good at finding his way even in the dark.


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