Tuesday we decided to get the hydro-hot fixed on the motor home. We called Camping World in Draper UT to see if we could get an appointment to get it fixed. Unfortunately they are not authorized to work on hydro-hots but suggested we call Camping World in Kaysville. They gave us an appointment for Thursday. So we hung out in the motor home.
Monday night we had dinner at Jessica's and Troy's and had a great time. We had steak that Troy grilled and a great salad with roasted pecans, goat cheese and figs - great!
I found out there is some factory outlet stores near where we were - oh what fun!! So Jessica came on Tuesday to pick me up and we went shopping. Troy and Joe went to feed Jessica's parents dogs and we made plans to meet later to have dinner.
The shopping was great fun. There just was not enough time. No shoe shopping - so sad (but Joe is so happy - no new shoes). There was Cold Water Creek, Ann Taylor, Nike, Banana Republic, Eddie Bauer and much more. It was sad we didn't have enough time to go to all the stores. I got some neat stuff though.
We then went to a Whole Foods store to find supplements that I was out of. Then met Joe and Troy at this neat restaurant that I cannot remember the name of. It was really nice and we had a great time.
Then Jessica drove Joe and me back to the motor home while Troy took their dog and went home. I had such a great time shopping with Jessica.
Wednesday we decided since we had to be in Kaysville first thing in the morning that maybe we needed to leave and be there since we were going to be first in line for service. So we went on line and got directions and made our way here. We are able to stay at Camping World while we are going to be serviced.
We are parked, we have electricity but that is all. All the spots for full hook-ups are taken. We have to be up early and ready to get in line for service.
GPS' are supposed to be wonderful things. They get you from place to place pretty much without a hitch. Well here in Kaysville the GPS is dumb, dumb. All we wanted to do was go to a restaurant and have supper. So we looked up restaurants on the GPS and picked a restaurant and said GO. It told us to turn here, turn there and guess where we end up. In a cul-de-sac. We try to go a different way and it keeps telling us to turn around to go back the way we came. We finally get to a street that the GPS recognizes and it tells us where to go - but there is no restaurant where it told us to go. So we go around again with another restaurant and it pretty much tells us to go to the same place but still no restaurant. We just decided to find one on our own and found a great one called Cantina Southwestern Grill. It was great southwestern good with a salsa bar with different salsas. There were really hot ones to extremely mild ones. It was very good.
We are back at the motor home and in for the night.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Salt Lake City/Park City UT
We got
started out of Wal Mart ok. That was
where the easy part ended. We figured we
had to backtrack to Rt. 191 to head for Park City. We were wrong. We just plain got lost. But Joe found his way. He just seems to understand direction and can
find his way. We figured it out and got
on the right track and made our way to Salt Lake City/Park City UT.
The drive
wasn't too bad. There were a lot of
steep hills and some U curves but we fared very well.
We stopped
at Flaming Gorge Dam and took some pictures.
The rocks were red which gave it its name.
We were
looking for a place to eat when we found a place called Silver Summit
restaurant. We followed the signs and
went the right direction but came to a dead end. We did not find the restaurant. There was a business at the end of the road
so I went in to ask about the restaurant.
It was located at the 7 Eleven that we passed.
We unhooked
the jeep and turned the motor home around and parked it at the end of the road
and took the jeep back to the restaurant.
Had a great meal and then the manager said we could park our motor home
right there at the 7 Eleven. We are in a
dirt area away from regular parking.
They said we could stay for a couple of days. they were very nice.
Troy found
us and visited us for a while. We waited
until Jessica got out of work and we started to their home. The house is situated on a hill so you walk
in on the ground level to the kitchen and a den. It had an open look and you can see down to
the next level into the living/great room.
It has a great fireplace. There
are big windows looking out to the back yard. There is also a deck that you can access from
the kitchen or the next level down or even the next level down. The third level to the bottom is where the
bedroom is situated. From there you can
also walk out to a deck. They even have
a hot tub. I really like the house.
We had
dinner with them and then miraculously found our way back to the motor home
without a hitch. I tell you, Joe is good
at finding his way even in the dark.
Goodbye Grand Tetons
Today is Sunday
and Colter bay campground closed at 11:00 am.
We left at about 10:00 to head for Salt Lake City. We are taking the scenic route 191 south to
Rock Springs WY. The smoke was so bad we
could not see the mountains at all. You
could smell the smoke.
The rout was
hard because of construction and missing turns.
We had to back track twice. I did
not take any pictures.
You know
those truck stops/restaurants that is just one building in the middle of
nowhere? Well we found one. It was a new one and it was the first thing
you came to before you got to town which was still a couple of miles away. It had a big parking area which is a plus and
it was just one building beside a house. It had 5 tables in it and we were the
only ones there till we finished then just before we left 3 other people came
in. Joe had a hamburger and I had a turkey sandwich with Lays potato chips -
We are in
Rock Springs now and are staying the night in a Wal-Mart parking lot.
End of our stay at YNP
Last night we went to Gardiner for supper and on the way we saw elk and big horned sheep. I did not have my camera. So now it will be "Have Camera Will Travel." I will not leave home without it! It was a lesson learned.
Today was the last day for Yellowstone. We are getting ready to head out for the Grand Tetons. We went to town to do laundry. We cannot do it in the motor home because we are not hooked up to water. Our stay here was strictly a dry-dock. No water, no electricity and no sewage. But it was cheap and right in the park. It worked out well. New experiences.
I did a little house cleaning and Joe checked the oil in the engine. He also made soup for the trip. We will hook up the jeep and batten down inside so things don't go flying as we are driving down the road.
Closet doors locked - check
All drawers closed - Check
Both sliding doors locked - check
and so on and so on.
We usually forget something and I am up while the motor home is moving to take care of it. I am getting good at balancing while we are moving.
We will close the slides and lift the levelers in the morning. We don't have to be out of here until noon time.
Today was the last day for Yellowstone. We are getting ready to head out for the Grand Tetons. We went to town to do laundry. We cannot do it in the motor home because we are not hooked up to water. Our stay here was strictly a dry-dock. No water, no electricity and no sewage. But it was cheap and right in the park. It worked out well. New experiences.
I did a little house cleaning and Joe checked the oil in the engine. He also made soup for the trip. We will hook up the jeep and batten down inside so things don't go flying as we are driving down the road.
Closet doors locked - check
All drawers closed - Check
Both sliding doors locked - check
and so on and so on.
We usually forget something and I am up while the motor home is moving to take care of it. I am getting good at balancing while we are moving.
We will close the slides and lift the levelers in the morning. We don't have to be out of here until noon time.
Exploring Grand Tetons
Friday we
took different roads and explored the country side. There were a lot of fall and it was
yellow. There were evergreens and yellow
- birch trees. that is the only tree I
see here.
We did that
in the morning then we had lunch at Colter Bay Restaurant. That was pretty much our day.
Saturday we
went to see if we could get some pictures of the mountain range. Everything was so smoky from the forest fires
that it was hard to see far distances.
We got good pictures and drove and took side roads - one up signal
mountain. It was very high. I did get some pictures of the mountain range
We came back
to the motor home and Joe took a nap and I read my Kindle. Then about supper time we went exploring
Colter Bay. We drive around the
campgrounds Then we drove down to the
bay. there were mountain across the water.
The sun was just setting behind the mountains so we waited and I took
more pictures.
We were
just getting ready to close up for the
night when we saw deer right outside the motor home. It was so exciting. I could stand in the doorway and take their
Sunday is
our last day. We need to be gone by
11:00. So now we tear down and
dump. The campground has free dumping
and water so we are good. The campground
is closing for the season.
Goodbye Yellowstone - Hello Grand Tetons
We left YNP
in the morning and had to go through Mammoth Hot Springs village to head for
the Grand Tetons. We got just as far as
the village and were stopped because the elk were on both sides of the road and
in the road. The bull elk made his sound
and all the females turned to look at him (picture on FB). They eventually
crossed the road so that the females were on one side of the road and the bull
was on the other side of the road. The
rangers had traffic stopped so that no one would hit them or they would run
over a car. They are big and in Yellowstone
they are not afraid of people or vehicles.
The first
part of the ride was a little hairy because of the narrow roads and of course
the up and down and all around the roads go. We also got to see some of the sights we saw
the first time around like Norris Geysers and the road that leads to Old
Faithful. You could see steam going up
along the side of the road. It is
quite a sight. It makes one think of volcanoes and earth's
crust and all the other stuff that shakes up the world.
Once we got
to the lower half of Yellowstone the roads were a little wider and I felt more
comfortable riding in the motor home.
When you leave YNP, it is only 8 miles to Grand Teton National
Park. So we drove about 100 mi. We are at Colter Village where we are
staying for free thanks to our Golden Age Pass.
We are dry docked again, but that is ok. We could have full hookups for
$50.00 a night. No thanks. We will stay here till Sunday because that is
the last day they are open.
We got setup
with no hitches. We (Joe) are getting
real good at tearing down and setting up.
I do help with the slides. I yell
vanity out when he says he is putting it out.
Then the bed goes out and I confirm that it is out and so on. I also get in the Jeep while he unhooks it
and then I move it to a better place - out of the way. We unhook the jeep first then set the
levelers so the RV doesn't rock while someone is walking or sitting down. Then the 4 slides come out. Then we take the locks of the cabinet doors
and take the bungee cord off the fridge so we can open the doors. For a while it looks neat because we had to
make sure everything was put away before we move.
We then decided to drive a
dirt road (4 wheel drive required) along the Snake River. It was about 17 mi. long. We thought since it was later in the
afternoon that we might see some animals.
No such luck but there was a lot of beautiful scenery (I got pics). It took us to about 9:00 to get back
home. It was scary with lots of deep
ruts and rocky road and cliffs and a lot of flat area where you could see for
miles. We did a lot of bouncing around -
the jeep took it all. We forgot to take
the spare tire for the motor home off the back of the jeep so we did some
bottoming out. Steph, it held nicely. You and Grampy do good work.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Tuesday - Battery is charged
Boy do I need an extra battery for my camera. There was so much I missed on Monday. There was a coyote walking along the side of the road. There were a herd of bison in a plain down over a cliff and the scenery everywhere was just asking to have a picture taken.
We went back to YNP's version of the Grand Canyon which was one of the things I didn't get the first time around. The pictures will be on FB. The rock formations and the colors were just fabulous! I took a lot of picture - I'm sure they will not do it justice.
On the way back to the campground we had to go through some construction. They were resurfacing the road and another place they were working on the cliffs. We stopped to see the petrified tree and then we took a 6mi. back road which was dirt and had not seen a grader in a few years. A perfect one for the jeep. We saw lots of rolling hills and the west's version of fall. We also saw some big horned sheep. I had to change lenses to get any pictures and by that time they had run over the hill. They are very shy. Not like the elk or the buffalo.
The elk just wander anywhere they want. They were in Mammoth village one day just lying around in the grass all around the building and they were here in the campground. the bull elk just lays in the grass and his harem is all around him. He is quite majestic with his big rack of horns.
We did not see any bear on moose while we were here.
We went back to YNP's version of the Grand Canyon which was one of the things I didn't get the first time around. The pictures will be on FB. The rock formations and the colors were just fabulous! I took a lot of picture - I'm sure they will not do it justice.
On the way back to the campground we had to go through some construction. They were resurfacing the road and another place they were working on the cliffs. We stopped to see the petrified tree and then we took a 6mi. back road which was dirt and had not seen a grader in a few years. A perfect one for the jeep. We saw lots of rolling hills and the west's version of fall. We also saw some big horned sheep. I had to change lenses to get any pictures and by that time they had run over the hill. They are very shy. Not like the elk or the buffalo.
The elk just wander anywhere they want. They were in Mammoth village one day just lying around in the grass all around the building and they were here in the campground. the bull elk just lays in the grass and his harem is all around him. He is quite majestic with his big rack of horns.
We did not see any bear on moose while we were here.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Monday in YNP
We spent all day Monday driving a loop around the park. It is bigger than I expected. We probably drove over 100 miles. We spent the whole day driving the loop with me wanting to take pictures every 50 feet or so. You should have heard the "humphs" but he did it anyway - he loves me lots.
The first place we stopped was Mammoth Springs. It was early in the morning and there was a lot of steam with the cool air. But what a sight! The pictures will be on FB. I was taking pictures out the car window or asking Joe to stop so I could get one.
The second place we stopped was Norris Geysers. There were a lot of hot springs and little geysers and stuff. There was a 1.2 mile hike around the area and I took that while Joe hung out at the museum. That took me about an hour and a half but I got lots of pictures. They also will be posted to FB.
We stopped a lot of places in between the stops to get pictures. The country is so different from back home. I couldn't stop taking pictures.
The last stop was Old Faithful. That was the primary reason for being here. Not the bison or the elk or the sheep or any of the other animals or sights that we saw. (believe that and I have a bridge to sell you Ha Ha).
Of course my camera battery started to die right at Old Faithful. I had to keep shutting my camera off to save energy. But I got some of it going off. It was way cool Yup, pictures on FB.
We finally made it home about supper time. Had supper and that was the end of us.
The first place we stopped was Mammoth Springs. It was early in the morning and there was a lot of steam with the cool air. But what a sight! The pictures will be on FB. I was taking pictures out the car window or asking Joe to stop so I could get one.
The second place we stopped was Norris Geysers. There were a lot of hot springs and little geysers and stuff. There was a 1.2 mile hike around the area and I took that while Joe hung out at the museum. That took me about an hour and a half but I got lots of pictures. They also will be posted to FB.
We stopped a lot of places in between the stops to get pictures. The country is so different from back home. I couldn't stop taking pictures.
The last stop was Old Faithful. That was the primary reason for being here. Not the bison or the elk or the sheep or any of the other animals or sights that we saw. (believe that and I have a bridge to sell you Ha Ha).
Of course my camera battery started to die right at Old Faithful. I had to keep shutting my camera off to save energy. But I got some of it going off. It was way cool Yup, pictures on FB.
We finally made it home about supper time. Had supper and that was the end of us.
Sunday - Another Easy Day
We pretty much planned not to wander around the park on the weekend. It was time for us to unwind from driving and get ourselves situated with the motor home and our area.
The campgrounds are very nice. The camp site are nicely spaced. You can pull in and pull out when you are ready to leave. We just happen to be at the beginning of the area and have to drive through the whole campground to get out. That is fine with the jeep but we had to move the motor home on Sunday to get fuel and water. We scraped a couple of trees on the way out. Lesson learned - NO shortcuts!!
There are people here with everything from tents to 5th wheels to motor homes like ours. The people are very friendly. One couple noticed our solar panels on the top of our RV and was interested. Then we met a young couple camped in the spot ahead of us. They were very nice. They were in a tent. It was in the 40's and 50's at night. They only stayed one night.
We are camped at the north end of the park at Mammoth Springs. There is a town called Gardiner that is about 5 mi. from here. We went there to do laundry and we had a couple of meal there. It is strictly a tourist town and for people who work in the park.
The campgrounds are very nice. The camp site are nicely spaced. You can pull in and pull out when you are ready to leave. We just happen to be at the beginning of the area and have to drive through the whole campground to get out. That is fine with the jeep but we had to move the motor home on Sunday to get fuel and water. We scraped a couple of trees on the way out. Lesson learned - NO shortcuts!!
There are people here with everything from tents to 5th wheels to motor homes like ours. The people are very friendly. One couple noticed our solar panels on the top of our RV and was interested. Then we met a young couple camped in the spot ahead of us. They were very nice. They were in a tent. It was in the 40's and 50's at night. They only stayed one night.
We are camped at the north end of the park at Mammoth Springs. There is a town called Gardiner that is about 5 mi. from here. We went there to do laundry and we had a couple of meal there. It is strictly a tourist town and for people who work in the park.
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Saturday- First Day at Yellowstone
It is
Saturday. Everyone and his brother is
here in the park. We decided to just
hang out at the motor home.
Joe did
little odd jobs around the motor home.
He took a nice long nap and cooked American chop suey for supper.
I read my
book and tried to get pictures uploaded to my blog unsuccessfully. So I put the pictures on face book and wrote
the blog. The pictures will not upload. That may be the way I do the pictures for a
We figure
the weekend is going to be congested so we are going to explore Monday.
We saw some
elk in our campground. I took pictures
that I will put on Face book.
Friday, off to Yellowstone - Again!
Here we go
again, folks. We left Billings, MT about
7:30 this morning. Needless to say we did not go over Beartooth Pass
again. We pretty much followed the same
route till we hit 310 and followed that to Chief Joseph Scenic Highway and
followed that to the other side of Beartooth Pass and to Cooke City MT and on
to Yellowstone National Park.
Part of the
highway we were on was coming down off the mountain. It was a lot of twists and turns and up and
down hills. It was kind of scary for me.
The motor home was acting the same way it was before so I guess it was normal
for all those hills.
We are
camped at Mammoth campground and are settled in. Our hope is to stay after the weekend when
the park will be less congested. Then we
will get to enjoy all the sights.
We already
saw buffalo and elk and deer. The deer
here have big ears and are more grey than tan.
We went to
Gardiner MT for supper and more importantly we did laundry. The dinner was good and doing laundry was fun
and expensive. The other ladies and I
decided it would be cheaper to go out and buy clothes and just discard the
dirty ones. Joe didn't think that was
funny. He got out voted by the
I could not upload the pictures to the blog so I posted them to facebook - sorry.
We are in
for the night. Good night.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Thursday - It is Joe's Birthday
The motor
home is all fixed we are relaxed and it is Joe's birthday. We are doing nothing. Which means we are not driving anywhere. We are staying right in the parking lot and
watching the world go by.
Then we went
to Wal-Mart to get prescriptions filled and do some shopping for some things we
I got a recipe
off the internet for some coleslaw and made it for Joe. He wants the cabbage to be easier to
chew. We got some grapes that were
really good.
Just peace
and quiet.
Thank you
These pictures are antiques that are around the parking lot where we were parked
Wednesday - the Day of Repair
We really
took advantage of being at "sea level" I'm sure we're not but close enough. We didn't get out of bed till 8:00 mountain
time. It felt so good just to be where
we could breathe and not feel the RV rockin and rollin.
mechanics showed up just as we were
getting up and around. I had to hurry
and get dressed and Joe had to close
everything up so they could drive it over to the garage and check it out.
generator/alternator was really
fried. We have to get a new one which
they ordered for us. Now we have to wait
for it to come in.
While the
motor home was being worked on we could stay in their waiting room. There was a little kitchenette there, they
had 2 coffee pots going, and there was a television with a WII. All the comforts of home.
Joe found the coffee, I found the teeny beanies jelly beans - yum.
I worked
some more on the blogs and getting them posted.
I am getting better at this blogging.
By the time I finish I might be an expert ha ha.
I just want
to say that the people we have met through this whole ordeal have been extremely
kind and helpful.
There was
the couple that took me to the emergency phone. They stayed with me while I called for help
and then they took me back to the motor home so we could help Joe. They stayed with us till we were able to deal
with everything. There were passing cars
stopping to offer assistance. The state
police from Montana were helpful and supportive. There was a wrecker that came with the state
police who offered his assistance. He
was kind and helpful but his wrecker was just for cars.
The huge
wrecker that came that night was even helpful (at the time we didn't think
so). He and Joe talked and decided it
wasn't a good idea to drive it off the mountain because it could start a fire.
We decided that it was a good thing that he never came back to get us because
his truck just was not big enough. Even though it was for larger trucks.
They had the
motor home all fixed up and ready to go by mid afternoon. Thank
you all very much! It was a pleasure meeting all of you - it would have been
much better under different circumstances.
This a picture of our home getting fixed in the garage
Here is where we are parked and below are some of Hanser's Towing Service.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
When I
talked to the girl at Hanser's we figured they would leave first thing in the
morning and they would probably get there about noon time. So we had all morning to wait. We double checked to be sure everything was
battened down so nothing would break.
Morning came
and went and no tow truck. Here we were
thinking we were finally getting of that windy, cold mountain and no one was
there. It really was tough to take. We pretty much were thinking we were not
going to get off this place. It was very
scary. Joe decided to go back to the
emergency phone at talk to them again.
They were shocked that we were still there. Since we were in Wyoming, they called the
Wyoming State Police. They said they
would take care of it. So we waited some
more. We just decided that whoever gets
there first was the one to get us off the mountain. So we waited some more.
I tried to
suggest that he take a nap but he couldn't sleep so he sat in the chair and
dozed. I sat in the captain's chair and
just read my book. I watched as some
people on Bicycles went by and was amazed because if the steepness of the
roadways. These were not young men
either. I went back to my reading and just
They got
everything done that needed to be done to hook us up and we were really on our
way! We followed them in the jeep down
off that mountain. It was a slow process
because of the twists and turns and because we
were so long. There was a pilot
car ahead of us to stop traffic on the sharp bends so we could take both lanes
to go around them. It was a slow, slow
The wrecker
got there about 2:30 in the afternoon and we left there about 4:00 to head back
to Billings. We got to Billings Montana
about 9:00 that night. The pilot car and
we had to stop for gas and the wrecker went on.
When we got back on the road we followed the pilot car. We never caught up to the wrecker till we hit
the exit to get off for the place we were staying. They had a place to park the motor home where
we could set up for the night. We could
let out our slides and we were
comfortable for the night.
It was so
wonderful to be able to open it up because we never had it open all the while
we were on the mountain.
We finally
made it off the mountain. I cannot say
it enough!
Now we are
waiting for the wrecker to show up. Joe
does not want to wait another day on this mountain. I don't blame him I want to be off this
mountain too - enough is enough. He
waited till 11:30 for them to show up and decided to go see what was the hold
up. He is also going to call the kids to
let them know we are alright. We usually
talk to at least one of them a day and it has been 2 days since there was any
Most of the
day for me was spent waiting for him to get back. So I read my Kindle, worked on my blogging,
played games on the computer and sat in the Captain's chair and watched the
mountain. There were birds just soaring
with the wind. They would soar on the
wind then they would close their wings and make a dive. They wouldn't necessarily go after anything. It was like they were playing. I tried to get
a picture of one but it was too far away.
There was a small lake that looked like it was a big ocean. There seemed to be a gap at the far end of
the lake and you could see waves going across.
It was really cool to watch. All
of that was happening because of the wild wind.
In the
morning you can watch the sun rise by watching the landscape. You can see the shadows move as the sun hits
the rocks.
There are a
lot of cars that drive by. A lot stop to
take pictures and you can watch them for a long time as they traverse the
roads. As cold as it is there were a lot
of motorcycles going up and down the mountain.
We pretty much had a bird's eye view from where we were.
Joe got back
about 4:00 in the afternoon. He was not
a happy camper. He talked to the guy who
was supposed to come and get us and he said he wasn't coming and that he called
Billings Montana to have the wrecker from there come get us. He said he called them Sat. night. So Joe called and wanted them to come and get
us and they said that AAA had to call them if we wanted them to foot the
bill. So Joe called AAA and they said it
would be about an hour. Hhe called at
about 1:00 So he hurried back because he thought they would be here when he got
here. So we waited some more. They never
After some
discussion, it was decide that I would go to Red Lodge - back the way we came -
hoping to run into the wrecker - to call and find out what happened. After being on this mountain and knowing what
it was like driving up to where we were. What with all the vistas, and DROPS, I
could not look at it any more so I just kept my eyes on the road and didn't
look. I did drive slow and carefully
down the mountain.
I finally
got a cell signal and called Lois to let her know what was going on. I also asked her to call her sisters to let
them know. I wanted to conserve my cell
phone to call the wrecker.
I got to a
gas station, told my plight to the girl behind the counter and she gave me the
phone book so I could look up the number.
When I reached the Wrecker Company they told me they were waiting for
AAA to call them back. Apparently they
had called for a price and then never called back. They couldn't get a hold of us because we
didn't have any cell service. So it all
got stalled. The girl I talked to told
me if we wanted to pay for the tow they could come out to get us. I said I would call her back. We were talking big money. I finally called her back and said that we
would pay for it. We needed to get off
that mountain.
I finally
got back to the motor home - it was almost dark. I told him what happened and we had to spend
one more night on that mountain.
Sunday - Our Day on the Mountain
What can you
do on a Sunday with nothing to do but watch the grass blow in the wind. We had to wait till Monday for the wrecker to
come back again. We had all day Sunday
to just sit and wait.
We have no
cell phone access, no internet access but we did have satellite access. So we could watch television. We could watch all the cars go by. Some stopped to take pictures. You can see for miles and miles. I read my book, played some games on the computer,
made egg and tuna salad and watched the cars as they traveled back and forth on
the switch backs. You can see them for
miles and miles too.
I also
caught up on my blogging. I wrote our
experiences in Word so now when we get internet access again I can just copy
them into my blog. Joe got to watch some
tennis but not as much as he wanted to.
We also got
to talk about the night before and the fear we both had. I was so frightened that I could not go to
bed that night. All I could think of was
the RV just running away. Joe even went
out and put rocks at the wheels to help make me feel better. He is such a good man, he stayed with
me. I sat in the chair ( I wanted to be
close to the door just in case) and he slept on the most uncomfortable couch. Finally about 4:00 I agreed to go to bed. I was up at 6.
Sunday -
probably because it was daylight - I felt much better and Sunday night it was
ok for me to go to bed.
The wind
here is something else. It literally
rocks the motor home. I know the wind has to be really strong to tip something
as big at this but the thought is still there.
We figured the wind must have blowing at least 30 mph. We couldn't even open or close the door to
the motor home without a struggle.
It was
pretty much a lazy day if it weren't for our position.
Driving to Yellowstone
Pass 10947 Ft.
morning we decided to start on the next leg of our journey and head for
Yellowstone National Park. The day was
just beautiful. Not a cloud in the
sky. It was in the 80's and we were
listening to "Vanishing Acts" by
Jodi Picoult. We were on 94 then
to Rt. 212 to take us to Yellowstone. We
stopped in Red Lodge at a grocery store for supplies and then headed on our
way. Well everything went to hell from
there. The road we were on went up a mountain! That was ok.
There were twists and turn and if you looked down you could see where we
came from. We got to the top of the
mountain when the RV started acting up.
It was shifting hesitantly and started beeping. We got on a straight away and the beeping
stopped so we thought we were ok. We got
just to the crest of a downgrade and it completely died! When it quits, everything quits. The hydraulics the steering and the
brakes. Joe had his foot on the brake
and it still would not stop! And of
course we are at the top of a mountain - there is no cell phone service to call
911. Joe tried to start the generator
that charges up the batteries and it would not start.
You are in
the mountains with no fields that you hope you could steer into to at least
save us. All you see are drop offs. One of the problem was we could not steer
it. There was a car coming and I got
out of the RV and flagged them down and explained our problem. They drove me back down the road to an
emergency phone where I called for help. They were sending a tow truck and the
police to help us. The dispatcher wanted
me to wait at the emergency phone but we needed to go back and help Joe. All I
could think of was finding Joe in a gully or over a cliff with the RV. We went back to where he was and he was still
in the road with the flashers going. I
was so relieved he was still there. Someone had come along and placed a big
rock under a wheel and that held the RV in place. Thank God!!
He had also gotten the generator running and was charging the batteries. The police finally arrived to check on
us. They were very nice though there was
nothing they could do. There was one
wrecker - like what you use for a car.
That was not going to touch us.
He talked to Joe for a while and then he left. The officers then called for a truck wrecker
and they told us the wrecker would be there in a couple of hours and then they
We finally
got all the batteries charged up so we decided to head down the mountain. We met the wrecker coming up the road. Because
of all the switchbacks we could see him from a long ways off. He had his lights on the top of his truck
flashing. When he got closer we flashed our lights and he stopped beside
us. He and Joe talked for a minute or
two and decided we should not drive down the mountain because with a bad
generator it could start a fire. No one
needed that! So the truck turned around
and started working at hooking us up to tow us down the mountain.
That should
be the end of the story, right?
WRONG! As they were trying to
hook us up something on the wrecker broke - the universal joint. Needless to say they had to unhook us, get us
parked on the side of the road and said goodbye. They would be back Monday to hook us up and
take us back to the garage. Or they
could call a trucker in Billings Montana to come get us. We opted to wait till Monday for him to get
his truck fixed and come back and get us.
So here we
are stuck on the top of this damnable mountain for now.
Medora Musical
If I had a
brain I would be dangerous. Saturday
night we went to the Medora Musical and I forgot my camera. So I will do my
best to describe it.
There was a "steak fondue" and buffet
before the show They gave us these metal sectioned off trays for our food and
we would all be in a line to go to the buffet. The buffet consisted of fresh
veggies like carrots, cherry tomatoes
and broccoli with a ranch dressing.
There were baked beans and baked potatoes too. Pretty much a nice country buffet.
interesting part was the steak fondue.
There were 5 vats of hot oil along the wall. These vats were about the size of big oil
drums. Then there were all these
pitchforks leaning against the railing.
They took the pitchforks and skewered about 8 steaks on each of them and
leaned them against the railing. They
prepared the steaks first so you are seeing all these pitchforks with raw
steaks skewered on them and all leaning against the railing. Then
they would stick a pitchfork into the vat of oil and cook the steaks and then
they would be served to the people in line.
Never saw anything like it.
Then we had
water and desert which consisted of cinnamon donuts and chocolate cake. It was all a lot of fun.
After you
finished your dinner you had time to wander around and see the land and canyons
and you could look down in this canyon and see the stage and the theater
seats. There was not a bad seat
anywhere. Our seats were just
perfect. Not so close that we
couldn't see everything and high enough so that we were just above the
stage. It was a wonderful show
The musical
show consisted of a group of singers and dancers who told the story of Theodore
Roosevelt and how he thought he would never have been president but for his
experiences in the Badlands of North Dakota.
It was all outdoors right in the badlands. It even had live horses in it. It was a lot of fun.
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